Keith Mason
When did you have your surgery?
I had my surgery in March of 2017
What were your knees like before surgery?
I had four surgeries on my right knee in the past. I used to play soccer and racquetball. “Used to” being the key word. Just through injuries and wear and tear, I wore them out. I was also bone on bone, and I had been for quite some time.
How are you feeling since you've had your surgery?
I feel really good- I don’t have the pain now in my right knee that I used to have. I can work out. When my trainer puts me on the floor, I can get up now without any help or assistance. I can walk upstairs without any pain in my right knee. I can ride my bicycle, and I can play golf.
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MEET Tedd »Warum ein Conformis-Knie?
If it's not Conformis, it's not truly patient-specific
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