Patient Experience: John Lynch
Patient Story

John Lynch

Age: 64 Lake Worth, FL Surgeon: Gregory Martin, MD

John is a veterinarian with an active practice whose osteoarthritis in both knees was severely limiting his ability to continue practicing. Before surgery he had a limited range of motion and reported a pain level of 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. He had tried to treat his pain with over-the-counter NSAIDs and an analgesic pain reliever (tramadol) in order to maintain his normal function. On the advice of his wife Ruth, a physical therapist who has treated many patients recovering from knee replacement, John opted for a total knee replacement on both knees.

„My initial reaction to a total customized knee – who wouldn’t want that? I had both my knees done.“

Following surgery, John was discharged from the hospital two nights after surgery. Following full knee replacement recovery, he returned to work part-time after 10 days, and full-time after two weeks. He was able to achieve a wider range of motion for both knees, as well as stability in his knees throughout the range of motion.

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John Lynch

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