This page is intended to serve as notice under 35 U.S.C. § 287(a).
iUni and iDUO Knee Replacement Systems
U.S. Patent Nos. 7468075, 7618451, 7981158, 7634119, 8066708, 8083745, 8105330, 8122582, 8234097, 8337501, 8337507, 8366771, 8439926, 8480754, 8529630, 8551099, 8556906, 8562618, 8568480, 8585708, 8634617, 8638998, 8709089, 8906107, 8945230, 8951260, 8974539, 9387079; and other patents pending.
iTotal CR and PS Knee Replacement Systems
U.S. Patent Nos. 7468075, 7618451, 7981158, 8066708, 8083745, 8105330, 8122582, 8234097, 8377129, 8337501, 8337507, 8366771, 8480754, 8545569, 8551099, 8551102, 8551103, 8556906, 8556907, 8556983, 8561278, 8568479, 8585708, 8623026, 8634617, 8638998, 8657827, 8709089, 8768028, 8771365, 8882847, 8906107, 8945230, 8974539, 9055953, 9107680, 9326780, 9358018, 9387079; and other patents pending.