Patient Advocate: Mike Eisner

Mike Eisner

Patient Advocate

When did you have your surgery?

I had surgery in November of 2016

What were your knees like before surgery?

I had been in knee pain for a lot of years. When I was younger, I did karate and I dislocated my knee once showing off like a bumpkin. And then I used to skydive for sport when I was younger- my last jump in 1985 didn’t turn out so well. I had three knee arthroscopies, and then the arthritis caught up with me. So I learned how to get by, but it was painful.

What are you doing now that you've had surgery?

One of the things I like to do for fun is climb trees. And climbing trees involves flexibility, as does yoga. And without the flexibility I’ve regained through this custom knee, I don’t think I’d be able to continue doing those activities the way I have been with satisfaction.
And I think I can’t help but attribute that to the fact that this knee is mine. It was designed for me. Nobody else. And I think that’s one of the things that enabled me to have such a good recovery and to be back doing the things I like, like yoga and climbing trees and dancing and cutting a rug.


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